Leo en la sección cultural del diario La República la noticia de la alerta que ha dado esta organización sobre la detención de la poeta Melissa Patiño. La nota dice lo siguiente:
El Comité de Escritores en Prisión del PEN Club Internacional. WiPC por sus siglas en inglés, ha lanzado una alerta sobre el caso de la joven poeta peruana Melissa Rocío Patiño Hinostroza, detenida el 29 de febrero en Tumbes por cargos de terrorismo. En un comunicado esta organización internacional "protesta fuertemente" por la detención de Patiño y aclara que "no existe evidencia de los cargos". Además, hace un llamado a las autoridades a verificar el caso.
En la página de la mencionada organización figura la siguiente información:
Peru: Young journalist detained on terrorism charges
Published: April 2, 2008
English PEN strongly protests the detention of the young Peruvian poet Melisssa Rocío Patiño Hinostroza on charges of terrorism. It is understood that the charges stem from her alleged involvement with a leftwing political organization, which the Peruvian government claims is linked to a terrorist group. Patiño denies any political affiliations and no concrete evidence has yet been produced to back up the charges.
Melisssa Rocío Patiño Hinostroza, a poet and business administration student, is a member of 'Círculo del sur' (Southern Circle) poetry group in Lima. She helps to run a poetry programme on the radio, as well as running cultural activities with young people.
On 29 February 2008, Melisssa Rocio Patino Hinostroza was arrested along with six other individuals in Tumbes, a small border town on the border with Ecuador. The group were returning by bus from Quito, where they had attended the second congress of the Bolivarian Continental Coordinator (Coordinadora Continental Boliviariana - CCB) from 24 to 28 February. They were subsequently charged with 'Affiliation and Collaboration with Terrorism', apparently on the basis of their attendance at the CCB meeting. Initially detained in Tumbes at the Counterterrorism Division (División Contra el Terrorismo - DINCOTE), Patiño was transferred to Santa Monica maximum security prison in Chorrillos, Lima, on 15 March, where she is still being held.
Published: April 2, 2008
English PEN strongly protests the detention of the young Peruvian poet Melisssa Rocío Patiño Hinostroza on charges of terrorism. It is understood that the charges stem from her alleged involvement with a leftwing political organization, which the Peruvian government claims is linked to a terrorist group. Patiño denies any political affiliations and no concrete evidence has yet been produced to back up the charges.
Melisssa Rocío Patiño Hinostroza, a poet and business administration student, is a member of 'Círculo del sur' (Southern Circle) poetry group in Lima. She helps to run a poetry programme on the radio, as well as running cultural activities with young people.
On 29 February 2008, Melisssa Rocio Patino Hinostroza was arrested along with six other individuals in Tumbes, a small border town on the border with Ecuador. The group were returning by bus from Quito, where they had attended the second congress of the Bolivarian Continental Coordinator (Coordinadora Continental Boliviariana - CCB) from 24 to 28 February. They were subsequently charged with 'Affiliation and Collaboration with Terrorism', apparently on the basis of their attendance at the CCB meeting. Initially detained in Tumbes at the Counterterrorism Division (División Contra el Terrorismo - DINCOTE), Patiño was transferred to Santa Monica maximum security prison in Chorrillos, Lima, on 15 March, where she is still being held.
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